Sunday, 23 October 2016

I have a week off!!!

Yay! I finally have a week off! 

As it happens I was able to get a huge amount of playtesting done last week, so the game works mechanically. I've ended up having to change a few bits and pieces (but isn't that the point of playtesting?). Now I'm working on the art. If time permits me, I might even be able to refine some more mechanics! 

Anyway, I'm writing this entry for 3 reasons. The first is above. The second is to say I'm going be releasing SSM_0.5 on the 29th - hopefully, I'll have all art in it - but let's see how that goes. My third reason for this entry is to let you know I'm going to be creating a Patreon account.

It's something I've been umming and ahhing for a while now, but I've decided to go full force with it. I'm not going to give too many details now, but I just wished to give you guys a heads up. Mostly I'm considering what would be good rewards for supporters. 

Watch this space in the coming days.


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