Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Mira Model Sheet for MV0.1

Higher Res can be found on my the Patreon, but here is the new portrait for Mira which will be appearing in Servus Kingdom MV 0.1. 

In other news, it seems that Classic Lara Croft will be the next trainable slave.  

Colour me surprised, I honestly figured it would Tifa for sure. Guess there is more love for Lara than I thought.  That being said, not everyone has voted and there is a chance new members might join the Patreon and influence the poll. 

Still, I figured you guys would like an update.

Anyway, enjoy the picture.


Monday, 29 May 2017

Hentai Foundry

Hey, hey! Guess who's opened an account on Hentai Foundry? That's right, this muppet!

You can find me here
As for Servus Kingdom, it's going very well. I plan to have the public release of MV0.0 on the 12th of June. 

See ya all then and thanks for your patience.



Friday, 19 May 2017

Servus Kingdom MV Release

It's actually out... holy shit! Part of me can't actually believe it - it's as if I've seen a unicorn!

New Release

So, what's different about this version?  

Well, a fair few things, actually...  along with a few things that are currently missing. Let's talk about those first.

No side Quests for Mira, Tanya or Oscar. I just didn't have the time. They'll be added back in MV0.1 along with new artwork for Nami.

The first major mission in the game is missing - I spoke briefly about why that was in the video I made. Some ending, including Nami's Good Ending, cannot be acquired yet. Some shops and locations have been locked off - like the Lonely Hearts Agency. 

But enough of that shit, what's new? Well, brand new maps for the first thing. Weapons and enemies have been completely overhauled. You can now gain drops from enemies which you can sell at the Pawn Shop.

There are new upgrade paths - Holy and Dark.

You can now buy spells.

New Weapons - Hammer, Hand Axe, Claws, and Zweithander, with new move sets.

The city and all the shops have been completely redesigned. 

There is now a soft cap on skills, meaning you'll see diminishing returns on stat growths. This makes getting the Platinum and Gold grades that little be more of a challenge.

Brand new World Map.

Adventurer's Guild.

Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night times of cycles.

A 'nap' command when you click on the bed 

Slave Hunger and Addiction. These will be greatly expanded upon in the future. Speaking of which. You'll notice status icons next to Nami. This is meant to reflect hunger, emotions and other things. I'll have to create some custom sprites for that in the future, but they're are in the game and you'll be able to see them working.

Those are major, obvious updates, but there are other little tweaks here and there, you'll notice. The greatest changes are actually inside the database and events. 

I remember I spent about two days figuring out how to create a loader within the game that would sway sprites. Now, amazingly enough, I've been successful in this, meaning I could have an unlimited amount of slaves in the game. But I won't sit here and gush about the technical stuff. 

All you need to know is that development will be easier going forward and that the game should be running much smoother.   

Now, there will be some typos - blame that on the Dyslexia. I'll keep squashing them as I continue to work on the game. Now, I've playtested the fuck outta of this game, but I am immensely retarded, so I'm sure there will something which slips by.

Also, the game can now be downloaded and played on Mac, Linux, and iOS/Andriod (exclusive to Patreons). 
Right, I'm going to open the polls for the next slave to be decided. It'll be between Tifa or Classic Lara Croft! My Patreons will decide! And I'll return to the habit of actually updating this blog regularly!

Take care,


Sunday, 14 May 2017

Servus Kingdom MV update

A video for you all the watch - if you want to of course.

So, fun fact I fixed the suicide thing. Turns out I forgot to put a - before the number. Little things like that happen all too often.

So, let's break down what going to be in the release for the 19th of May.

Brand New Maps.

New Locations - Adventurer's Guild, World Map, New Shops.

New Mechanics - Food and Feeding

New Weapons - Handaxe, Halberd, Claws, Hammer,  Zweihander

New Skills and Weapon Arts.

New Forging Stones.

Collectible Resources which can be Sold - it pays to be an Adventurer

New Items.


Endings - Maid, Sex, Guild.

Trainer Commands.

Big Re-tooling to existing mechanics.

Better performance and overall Functionally.

Easier Development for me - mostly because of smart consolidation with Common Events.

Right, that's what going to be in the edition released on the 19th. I'm then going to open the poll for you to decide who you want the next character to be - Tifa or Lara. As that's been decided, I'm going to use that month to update Nami and add the marriage option and her true ending.
I believe that is everything.

See you all then,