Sunday, 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas

Hi all, 

Have a very Merry Christmas. Now that I finally have some time I can actually work on the game - hooray!

Enjoy your day and try not to get hammered!

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Next Update ver 1.5.

Sorry for the prolonged silence, bunch of things swamped me - least of which was being sick and playing a little game - you might not have heard of it, since it's kinda of obscure - called Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Anyway, this post is to the detail the new update. First of all, this is going to be a big update so expect the following.

Combat/Purchasable Weapons

The First Major part of the Story.

Art Portraits for some of the major NPCs

Added Trainable Skills

General refinements

Expanding the relationship system* (more below)

Redo Nami's Standing Art/Costumes

Refine writing

Add H-scene for the female player when she loses the battle.

Add success ChibiArt - rough of which can be seen above.

Okay, let's talk about the relationship thing. When your slave is at work you'll be able to spend some time with various NPCs. Among other benefits, you'll also have the options to have them come and join you on missions. This will allow you customise a party for story quests and also learn things about the NPCs.

I'm aiming to have all this ready for you all around the Christmas/New Year for Patrons and late January for everyone else. I hope you'll enjoy it.